B-E-H-I-N-D Y-O-U-R W-I-R-E-S Orthodontic Brushes
FINALLY, a MEANINGFUL name!! Generically known as "interdental" or "interproximal" brushes - an absolute misnomer, for their orthodontic application, our B-E-H-I-N-D Y-O-U-R W-I-R-E-S Orthodontic Brushes are designed for cleansing plaque from the tooth surfaces, directly behind orthodontic wires; thus, their TARGET is their NAME!! And, one of these brushes conveniently stores in the handle of The SPOT LESS BRUSH, for ready-availability and accessability! "What's in a name?" Better patient understanding, compliance, and oral hygiene, and fewer white spot lesions!!
*** One 3-pack of B-E-H-I-N-D Y-O-U-R W-I-R-E-S Orthodontic Brushes is included - for FREE, in each SPOT LESS SYSTEM, as our INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL!!